This blog is about strategy and collaborative innovation.
Because I’m interested in helping team-size groups do a better job of thinking together (i.e., collaborating), many of the posts are about the related topics of cognition, conversation, and collective intelligence.
CI + AI + SPB = SI
The combination of a collectively intelligent group, artificial intelligence technology, and strong processes and behaviors gives rise to a cyborg-like entity capable of super intelligence.
Combining electronic brainstorming & artificial intelligence technologies
Electronic brainstorming is a collaboration technology, or groupware technology, that supports face-to-face and online meetings. This video shows the major features of electronic brainstorming technology and the way it can be combined with an AI technology like ChatGPT to provide a new way of enhancing the collective intelligence and collective creativity of a team-size group.
Behaving thoughtfully
Group IQ has less to do with the group member’s individual IQs and more to do with their social intelligence. To increase a group’s collective intelligence, the group members should engage in thoughtful behavior.