This blog is about strategy and collaborative innovation.
Because I’m interested in helping team-size groups do a better job of thinking together (i.e., collaborating), many of the posts are about the related topics of cognition, conversation, and collective intelligence.
CI + AI + SPB = SI
The combination of a collectively intelligent group, artificial intelligence technology, and strong processes and behaviors gives rise to a cyborg-like entity capable of super intelligence.
Searching for synergy
Collaboration is a growing trend, especially in the nonprofit sector. When asked why they are collaborating, managers typically cite the “synergy” that will be achieved by the combination. But what, exactly, does synergy mean? And how do you determine the way in which the synergy will be achieved?
Three ways improve team collaboration
Watch this video to learn how nonprofit, government, and commercial organizations can use Processes (group & task processes), Platforms (collaboration technologies), and People (a meeting facilitator and cognitively diverse group) to improve the way their teams collaborate.
Thinking together
Thinking together is the ultimate core competency. Two things your team can do to do a better job of thinking together are to employ conversation mapping tools and to master the practice of inquiry.
Collaboration requires shared space
Collaborative thinking requires a space—be it a napkin, flipchart, whiteboard, or some other medium—where the collaborators are able to share their thoughts.